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#HAWMC: Make It A Great Day

#HAWMC Day 26.

Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes, the type of day we have is out of our control, but other times, we can influence how our day is going. Come up with 5 tips for changing your frame of mind when you’re having a bad day!

Are doctors allowed to have a bad day? What’s a bad day like for me? I’m running late for clinic because I had to attend a meeting that was an absolute waste of my time (I’m one of those who believe that 80% of meetings can be avoided by using email!).  I need to get home early to my kids and I still have a roomful of patients. My husband, also a doctor, has finished his clinic and he’s waiting for me to finish so we can go home together. Just when I’m pressed for time, I get the more complicated cases. Whew!

Let me start with the tips. Two from Dr. Eric van de Graaff, Why are so many doctors complete jerks?

Rule #1: It is simply not allowable to be impolite, mean, nasty or snippy with staff or patients even when you are in a stressful situation.

Rule #2: Whatever is stressing you is probably stressing those around you as much or more.  Under those circumstances you have to go out of your way to be kinder and more understanding.  As a doctor, you control the mood in the clinic and operating room even if you can’t control the situation.

Now let me add my own.

THREE. Take a deep breath and remember, this too shall pass. I learned this as a first year medical resident. My senior resident was consoling me after a hard day and he said, Just get some sleep. Then get back to work. This too shall pass. Before you know it, your residency is done. I’m not seeing a thousand patients this afternoon. Not even a hundred. I can do this!

FOUR. Close your eyes and recall why you love your job. Steve Jobs said –

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.

FIVE. Start the day with a full measure of joy! I’m often asked why at the end of the day I’m still smiling. It’s because I haven’t run out of joy. I may be tired and hungry but there is joy in my heart at a day well spent. There are days when my joy meter is almost spent but there’s always something to be thankful for. I learned that from my mom.

Leo Buscaglia is right –

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.

1 thought on “#HAWMC: Make It A Great Day”

  1. Pingback: Let’s Talk About Physician Suicide – The Endocrine Witch

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